currently sue

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Knitten update

I've been knitting my first ever sock (it's Trekking XXL yarn on 2.25mm needles, if you care about those kinds of details, I actually don't so I don't even know why I wrote them down) since just before the Victoria Day long weekend. Then finally, a couple of weeks ago, even though I was thoroughly distracted by the above Kitten, I finished knitting sock one:

I still (still) haven't learned how to close the toe (I'm using the Yarn Harlot's book for the sock "recipe", which I totally love, but she doesn't give specific enough closing instructions for a new knitter like me) so it's still on the needles. Which also means I haven't started sock two (I own only one set of sock needles). I hope I don't lose momentum.

Furthermore, I did a lot of the knitting on that sock while travelling... maybe I need to plan another road trip. NYC, anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hurray for socks! Dont worry; grafting the ends is totally easy, especially compared to turning the heel. "The purl stitch" by whatsername has really good instructions and illustrations for grafting the toes of socks, but dont by the book because other than that the patterns are fugly. Rather, I recommend that you borrow keys to my apartment from Leah and T-rent and go into my apartment and take the book. Although maybe that's not the easiest way.

Anyways, I have a new crush on New York City, and if I wasnt in chicago, I'd be totally up for taking a roadtrip!

Blogger sue said...

lisa that's hilarious -- i would totally go to your apartment to get that book. i could always stop by the GEM to meet up with the T&L... heehee.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


That is an incredible sock, and I would like to meet your new feline!

Blogger sue said...

stevie P!!

thank you thank you, and you shall come meet my new feline! perhaps you will come over sometime with allison for gilmore girls....

Blogger sue said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Gilmore Girls!!

I need a girly night fix soon, with Knittens and the Girls.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lady Catherine is beyond cute.

Blogger AZD said...

Kittens and socks!!! You're blog rocks!


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