currently sue

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So it's extraordinarily hot in New York right now (95 F/35 C, and humid). Even though our office is more or less air-conditioned, I feel greasy and itchy and squirmy (the afternoon coffee I had isn't helping) and I just want to GET OUT. My house, on the other hand, is currently not air-conditioned (well it could be; I need to sort that out), so going home isn't actually going to help me.

The office also contains, for unknown reasons, many tiny gnat-like bugs, and they are driving me insane.

On a brighter note, yesterday I went to Princeton NJ, about an hour's train ride away, for a conference. The conference was fine, though I always get antsy sitting still and listening to people talk for hours on end, but the real highlight was leaving the city. Now, I love the city; nevertheless, it's so refreshing to go to places with more space, more trees, fewer people. I sat in a garden on Princeton campus, by myself, on and off with a bunny rabbit, for an hour and some, and it was the best thing in the entire world.

Hm, I feel like this is an incomplete entry, but I don't have much more to say. Oh, except I'm reeling from hearing that Karl and Dylan are both getting married (not to each other), and that Elna got a motorcycle license (as well as a motorcycle).

Stay tuned; blitzquilt news coming soon.




Blogger ButterPeanut said...

For some reason my first thought was that you'd be at a science conference...but I guess it was a church conference, huh.

Blogger liSa said...

love the new banner!!! sprinkles - yes please :)

Blogger /dr. said...

bunny rabbits can fix anything.

and YsaaaaaaAAAAAAAA!



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