currently sue

Monday, September 04, 2006

Ottawa and back again

Mum + teapot

I just came back from a weekend visiting family and various lovely friends up in Ottawa. You can check out some pictures over here if you're interested. I went up this particular weekend because my dear friend Allison just moved to Ottawa on Saturday; she starts a new job this week -- good luck Allison Guy!! I'll miss her. Here she is in her new place, after moving all the stuff in:

Allison Guy is moved in!!

I spent some time knitting, too, what with all the train and car riding. Sock Two is into the foot now, and there's a pair of MDK dishcloths:

Pair o dishclothes (I)

Pair o dishclothes (II)

In final knitting news, I'm going to knit my sister (Sister Trish) some socks for a birthday/Christmas/combination of something present. I'm pretty excited about the new yarn -- I'll post pics once I start them (after I'm done Sock Two).


Blogger ButterPeanut said...

hey, that's that mysterious stitch that your mittens are made of!

Blogger sue said...

i'm not actually convinced it is (which is unfortunate! i really want to know how to knit those mittens)-- if you look really close at the dishcloth, you'll see that the long stitch is just one stitch slipped a whole bunch of times. it's very tricky.


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